How to prepare a simple and delicious pistachio cake with a unique taste

Pistachio Sweet Recipe

Pistachio Sweet Recipe

Pistachio sweets are a special type of Iranian confectionery that come in various shapes, flavors, and styles, crafted in cities all across the country. Perfect for Nowruz celebrations, these tasty treats have a delightful flavor and a soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture. It’s no wonder why they’re one of the most popular choices for Nowruz Eid!

Creating pistachio cookies is straightforward and simple. However, if you want to make them right, you must be mindful of the exact measurements of ingredients required by the recipe. This will give you the perfect dough consistency and when you bake it, it will bring out the delicious flavor of the cookies.

Home baking is a wonderful way to fill your space with an amazing, mouth-watering aroma. If you want to bake special desserts for important events and celebrations, Cookingrush can show you how to make delicious pistachio-flavored sweets. So let’s get started!

Ingredients for pistachio sweets

Ingredients for 4 people
White flour 350 grams
Pistachio powder 300 grams
Sugar powder 150 grams
Solid oil 100 grams
Yolk 1

How to prepare delicious and professional pistachio cookies

1. Mixing powders with flour

Begin preparing your pistachio cookies by selecting the right bowl. Then add the flour, pistachio powder, and sugar powder and mix until they are thoroughly combined. Set the bowl aside until you are ready to move on with the recipe.

2. Mixing oil with egg yolk

Select a large and roomy bowl and pour the solid oil into it. Add the egg yolk and mix them together with an electric mixer until they are thoroughly blended and the egg is no longer in a clumpy state.

3. Combining ingredients with oil

To continue preparing this traditional sweet, add the mixture of pistachio powder, flour, and powdered sugar to the bowl containing oil and egg yolk. Do this in three parts, adding a little at a time and stirring each time to prevent the flour from clumping and ruining the pastry.

4. Various models of mixing raw materials

To make this type of sweet correctly, use a mixer on medium speed in the first step of combining the ingredients. Then, in the second step, use a whisk to ensure that all the ingredients are blended together evenly.

5. Amount of kneading the dough

Continue preparing your pistachio pastry dough by kneading it. If the texture of the dough is not quite right, run it through a meat grinder twice and place it in a suitable bowl. Knead the dough by hand until it reaches the desired consistency.

6. How to smooth the dough

Now, to shape the sweets, take the dough and form it into a round shape with your hands. Place a piece of nylon on the work surface and lay the dough on top. Place a second layer of nylon on the dough and use a rolling pin to flatten it out completely.

7. Molding and resting the dough

Shape your pistachio cookie dough into the desired form, then place it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to allow the dough to fully set and rest. Afterwards, move it to a baking tray.

8. Preparing the oven and oven tray

Place a sheet of parchment paper onto the baking tray, then use a brush to lightly coat it with oil to prevent the cake from sticking. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

9. Cooking pistachio cookies

Place the pastry dough on the baking tray and then place it in the middle of the oven. Bake for around 15 minutes until the pistachio pastry is cooked through. Once done, remove the tray from the oven and let it cool before serving.

Important points of delicious pistachio sweets

  • If you’d like, you can use more pistachio powder in place of flour.
  • It’s best to store the prepared dough for this treat in a dark place, as it can change color quickly.
  • Make sure to preheat your oven so it’s fully ready before baking.
  • To spread the dough, place it between two pieces of nylon and be sure to grease the nylon.
  • You can shape the pistachio cookie dough however you’d like.

Final Words

Pistachio pastry is created by combining pistachio powder and flour together to form a dough. Once the dough is ready, it can be shaped into whatever shape you desire, allowing you to customize the pastry to your liking.

Making pistachio sweets at home is a breeze, and you can get creative with the flavors and shapes each time you make them. Just switch up the ingredients and you can enjoy this delicious treat in a variety of different ways.

Latest update on: 28 April 2024 by