How to prepare a delicious Persian Gheymeh Nesar

Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar Recipe

Qazvin's Gheymeh Nesar Recipe

Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar is a mouthwatering traditional dish that has been served at important events such as weddings and gatherings for centuries. Today, it’s still made in various ways, each offering a unique taste that is sure to please everyone.

Preparing Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar is quite simple, but it’s important to understand key tips for cooking meat and selecting the right type, as it greatly impacts the dish’s flavor. With this knowledge, you can make this traditional and elegant dish look and taste its best.

If you’re looking to impress your guests with a special and unique-tasting dish for a big event or intimate gathering, consider following the Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar recipe on Cookigrush. Discover the delicious world of Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar and experience its delightful aroma that will fill the air.

Necessary ingredients for preparing Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar

Ingredients for 4 people
Lamb and mutton 500 grams
Rice 4 cups
Rosewater ½ cup
Onion 1 medium size
Brewed saffron 1 tablespoon
Tomato paste 2 tablespoons
Sugar 1 teaspoon
Cardamom powder 1 teaspoon
Barberry 2 tablespoons
Pistachio and almond slices 2 tablespoons
Cinnamon As much as needed
Black pepper Half a teaspoon
Turmeric Half a teaspoon
Salt As much as needed

How to prepare Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar

  1. First Step

To begin making Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar, start by washing and slicing the onion into large pieces. Next, place a pan over low heat and add oil. Once the pan is hot, add the sliced onion and cook until it is soft.

  1. Second Step

Stir the onion until it becomes translucent, then add turmeric and continue cooking until both ingredients are evenly combined and the raw smell of turmeric has disappeared. Finally, add the meat to the pan.

  1. Third Step

It’s best to chop the meat before cooking. Fry the mutton until it changes color, being careful not to overcook as this will make the meat tough.

  1. Fourth Step

Remove the ingredients from the pan and add two tablespoons of tomato paste. Cook until the raw smell of the paste has disappeared and it has become slightly colored. Then, mix the paste well with the meat.

  1. Fifth Step

To continue cooking Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar, add black pepper and cardamom powder to the pot, stirring well until they are fully incorporated into the meat. Then, add 1 to 2 cups of water to the pot, cover it with a lid, and let it cook until the meat is fully cooked.

Note: Don’t forget to add salt and cinnamon in the last 10 minutes of cooking, as this will prevent the meat from becoming tough and the food from becoming bitter due to the cinnamon powder.

  1. Sixth Step

Drain the pre-soaked rice and place a pot over medium heat. Add water to the middle of the pot and bring to a boil. Then, add the rice, salt, and oil to the pot and cook for about 7 minutes.

  1. Seventh Step

Check the cooked rice. When the inside of the rice is still firm but the outside is soft, drain the rice and pour some lukewarm water over it to reduce its temperature. Place the pot back over low heat and add a tablespoon of oil.

  1. Eighth Step

Next, select either bread or potatoes to be the base of the pot. Pour the rice into the pot and place the lid with a small opening, letting the rice cook for about 45 minutes until it is fully cooked.

  1. Ninth Step

While the rice and meat are cooking, soak almond slices in rose water and then fry them in butter or oil. Fry the pistachio slices in oil in the same manner and set them aside. Finally, add barberries and sugar to a pan and fry for 1 minute.

  1. The tenth step

To finish cooking Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar, keep an eye on the meat and once the water has evaporated from the pan, remove it from heat and set it aside. If you would like to add orange peel, it’s best to boil it first, and then fry it with saffron and butter.

  1. The eleventh step

Turn off the heat for the cooked rice, open the lid to release any excess steam, then transfer it to a serving dish. Pour the meat on top of the rice, and sprinkle with fried almonds, pistachios, orange peel, and barberries. Serve and enjoy.

Important tips for cooking Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar

  • Add salt to the meat during the last 10 minutes of cooking to avoid making it tough.
  • If you opt for cinnamon powder instead of cinnamon sticks, it’s best to add it towards the end of cooking the meat to prevent the dish from becoming bitter.
  • To get rid of the bitter taste of the orange peel, it’s important to boil it before use.
  • You can combine the Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar stew with rice while it’s cooking to allow the flavors to fully blend.

Final Words

In conclusion, Qazvin Gheymeh Nesar is a delicious dish that can add a touch of elegance to any party table. With its unique blend of meat, rice, halal ingredients, and barberry, and a hint of orange peel, it is sure to satisfy all of your guests. While there are some key cooking tips to keep in mind, this dish is relatively easy to prepare and won’t take much time. I hope you found this article informative and enjoyable.

Latest update on: 22 August 2023